This blog will accompany the Governing Algorithms conference on May 16-17, 2013 at New York University. Over the next few weeks, we hope to use this space for conference updates, logistical announcements, and exciting news around the topic of “governing algorithms”.
Besides the usual conference information, this website contains a Resources section. The section features a number of materials that we found useful in preparing for the conference. This includes an open reading list, to which you are more than welcome to contribute, and the provocation piece, which we wrote to stimulate discussion.
Closer to the conference, we will publish here the papers by the four main contributors Tarleton Gillespie, Lucas Introna, Daniel Neyland, and Frank Pasquale. These will be followed by response papers from discussants, including Mike Annany, Kate Crawford, Lisa Gitelman, Moritz Hardt, Matthew Jones, Karrie Karahalios, Martha Poon — and most importantly your comments on this website.
We hope you’ll join us on May 16-17, 2013!